ZEROREZ of St. Louis
6066 Aviator Drive, Hazelwood, MO, 63042

Carpet Cleaners


Only ZEROREZ® of St. Louis cleans with patented Zr Water® technology to clean Carpet, Tile and Grout, Upholstery, and Area Rugs, serving Residential and Commercial clients. Our certified technicians deliver superior results to every customer with our commitment to a 30 Day Gotta Love It Guarantee! We also provide excellent air duct cleaning services in St. Louis that will improve the air quality in your home for you and your family. Our patented cleaning process uses a unique cleaning agent called Zr Water®. Zr Water® has no soap or harsh chemicals that will leave a dirt-attracting residue. This means your floors and carpets will stay cleaner longer. Call us! ZEROREZ of St. Louis 6066 Aviator Drive, Hazelwood, Missouri 63042

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