Plas-Tech Coatings
1035A Saunders Lane, West Chester, PA, 19380



Founded in 1978

Monday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Tuesday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Wednesday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Thursday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Friday 08:00 am 04:30 pm


Plas-Tech Coatings was founded in 1978 by Thomas W. Sloan. After many years in the fluoropolymers industry (including employment at Allied Chemical Solvay and Whitford Corp./PPG), Tom recognized the need for and developed a strong interest in providing industry with an elite source for the application of fluoropolymer coatings. Precise techniques, rigid quality control, superior knowledge, dependable delivery, and great respect for the art and science of coating application are the hallmarks upon which Plas-Tech was founded. Maintaining a dedication to these ideals has been the cornerstone to our success. Now, as in the beginning we take great pride in every job we do and welcome the opportunity to provide our services to you.

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