Philip DeBerard Injury Attorney
1850 SW Fountainview Blvd, Suite 213, Port St Lucie, FL, 34986

Attorneys, Attorneys Malpractice Law, Attorneys Personal Injury and Wrongful Death


Monday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Tuesday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Wednesday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Thursday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Friday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Saturday 12:00 am 12:00 am
Sunday 12:00 am 12:00 am


Philip DeBerard and his legal team have been serving injury victims in Port St Lucie, St Lucie County and throughout South Florida for over 30 years. He has recovered millions for clients. The firm handles car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, premises liability, product/drug liability, catastrophic injuries, dog bites, nursing home abuse & neglect, brain injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death cases and more. Philip DeBerard is rated by AVVO and has an A+ Rating with the BBB. If you or a loved one have been injured and need a personal injury or car accident lawyer call 772-675-5582 for a free case review and put 30 years of experience on your side.

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