On-Deck Plumbing
3702 Century Blvd, Lakeland, FL, 33811


Payment Options: Cash, Check


Monday 07:30 am 04:00 pm
Tuesday 07:30 am 04:00 pm
Wednesday 07:30 am 04:00 pm
Thursday 07:30 am 04:00 pm
Friday 07:30 am 04:00 pm


At On-Deck Plumbing - Lakeland Plumber, we know having a professional plumber on call when something goes wrong is pretty important. When you have a leak or are experiencing a plumbing issue, there isn’t time to flip through the phonebook or search online. When you need plumbing services in Lakeland, Florida, we are your go-to team for the job! Our plumbers are trained professionals with 25+ years of experience. We are always reliable and honest and offer emergency services. We look forward to serving you and making sure your plumbing is always working its best!

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