Degler Waste Services
Ridgeland, SC, 29936

Septic Tanks


Founded in 1965

Monday 09:00 am 05:00 pm
Tuesday 09:00 am 05:00 pm
Wednesday 09:00 am 05:00 pm
Thursday 09:00 am 05:00 pm
Friday 09:00 am 05:00 pm


When your property uses septic, you can’t keep using the system and hope that any problems with it will go away on their own. Instead, you need to take certain steps to maintain it and to prevent a septic disaster from happening. This is where our team at Degler Waste Services comes in. Our septic services are extensive and complemented by professionals who care about doing what’s best for your system. Since 1965, we’ve been meeting the septic needs of home and business owners in the Ridgeland & Wellford, South Carolina area, and we look forward to forming a long-lasting partnership with you.

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