
Founded in 2017

Monday 08:00 am 04:30 pm
Tuesday 08:00 am 04:30 pm
Wednesday 08:00 am 04:30 pm
Thursday 08:00 am 04:30 pm
Friday 08:00 am 04:30 pm


AirGreen, Inc., located in New Castle, Delaware, USA, is a designer and manufacturer of innovative and energy-efficient dehumidification and cooling systems for a variety of applications including indoor agriculture, industrial facilities, hospitals, grocery stores, recreational facilities, and others. AirGreen's liquid desiccant technology can provide aggressive dehumidification capacity up to 3300 pints per day - the largest commercially-available capacity in our industry. Our innovative technology also provides considerable energy savings, up to 60% savings compared to traditional mechanical cooling systems, while also scrubbing the air of various pathogens, including bacteria, mold spores, and viruses, including COVID-19.

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