InMotion Foot & Ankle Specialists
10900 N Scottsdale Road, Suite 604, Scottsdale, AZ, 85254


Monday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Tuesday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Wednesday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Thursday 08:00 am 05:00 pm
Friday 08:00 am 05:00 pm


Recognized among the nation's foremost foot and ankle specialists, Dr. Werber is a past president of the the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons, and of the Rhode Island Podiatric Medical Association. He relocated his practice to the Valley in 2006. Our common customer problems include: Athlete's Foot, Bunions, Chronic wounds, Corns and Calluses, Diabetic Neuropathy, discolored nails, Fungal Nails, Neuromas, Ingrown Toenails and Heel spurs, abnormal or irregular, walking pattern.

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