Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management
7 West 45th St.,, New York, NY, 10036

Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Medical

Monday 11:00 am 07:30 am
Tuesday 08:00 am 07:30 am
Wednesday 11:00 am 07:30 am
Thursday 08:00 am 07:30 am
Friday 11:00 am 07:30 am
Saturday 08:00 am 12:00 pm


If you’re looking for physical therapy in New York City, Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management embraces a multifaceted approach to relieve you of your pain. We can help you rehab old injuries if they flare up later on. Our professional staff can help you to relief pain using the most comprehensive approach to effectively manage your pain through your customized treatment plan. We are conveniently located in Midtown West or you may visit us at our downtown location, Downtown Spine and Sports, in the Financial District.

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